A Silver Bullet for Cancer Treatment?
Contact us today, and we'll help you receive the best cancer immunotherapy — scientifically proven and free of serious side effects.

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A Silver Bullet for Cancer Treatment?
Contact us today, and we'll help you receive the best cancer immunotherapy — scientifically proven and free of serious side effects.
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At Biotherapy International, we don’t simply believe cancer is a treatable disease: we believe it may even be curable, provided all principles of optimal treatment are fully accomplished.
At Biotherapy International, we don’t simply believe cancer is a treatable disease: we believe it may even be curable, provided all principles of optimal treatment are fully accomplished.
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Every Cancer is Unique, just as No Two Patients are the Same
Many patients initially respond positively to chemotherapy: their tumors shrink and eventually become undetectable. However, an undetectable tumor doesn't equal an absent one. Residual cells may regrow, prompting another round of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, resistance can develop, and patients will see diminished responses despite repeated cycles. In such cases, anti-cancer immunotherapy provides novel methods for those considered incurable by standard approaches.

Cancer immunotherapy operates on two fundamental principles. Firstly, it activates the body's immune system, encouraging it to identify and combat cancer cells. Secondly, it focuses on the precise destruction of cancer cells, sparing healthy ones, often achieved through targeting mechanisms such as antibodies or engineered immune cells.

Due to its selective impact, immunotherapy is now considered a flagship in the precision medicine field. This is why immunotherapy-based treatments don’t generally rely on a single patented pharmaceutical compound. Instead, each patient receiving immunotherapy will need to be treated differently – by strengthening their immune capacity, flagging their cancer cells, or modifying the active compounds according to each cancer mutation.

Each patient in our clinic receives an individualized anticancer therapy protocol because no two cancers are exactly alike, and no two patients are identical.
Every Cancer is Unique, just as No Two Patients are the Same
Many patients initially respond positively to chemotherapy: their tumors shrink and eventually become undetectable. However, an undetectable tumor doesn't equal an absent one. Residual cells may regrow, prompting another round of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, resistance can develop, and patients will see diminished responses despite repeated cycles. In such cases, anti-cancer immunotherapy provides novel methods for those considered incurable by standard approaches.

Cancer immunotherapy operates on two fundamental principles. Firstly, it activates the body's immune system, encouraging it to identify and combat cancer cells. Secondly, it focuses on the precise destruction of cancer cells, sparing healthy ones, often achieved through targeting mechanisms such as antibodies or engineered immune cells.

Due to its selective impact, immunotherapy is now considered a flagship in the precision medicine field. This is why immunotherapy-based treatments don’t generally rely on a single patented pharmaceutical compound. Instead, each patient receiving immunotherapy will need to be treated differently – by strengthening their immune capacity, flagging their cancer cells, or modifying the active compounds according to each cancer mutation.

Each patient in our clinic receives an individualized anticancer therapy protocol because no two cancers are exactly alike, and no two patients are identical.
Immunotherapy: Game-Changing Methods
All methods are based on sound scientific data, and confirmed through extensive clinical trials involving the successful treatment of thousands of patients.
Oncolytic Viruses are human-safe viruses with specific receptors that can penetrate and destroy cancer cells. They also increase the recognition of the tumor by the patient's own immune system.
Coley’s Toxin is a mixture of safe bacteria that is used in the production of cancer vaccines. Coley’s Toxin was the first cancer immunotherapy method, which in many cases, achieved significant tumor regression.
Personalized Cancer vaccines are made from the patient's cancer cells. Vaccines train the patient's immune system to recognize and destroy malignant cells, just as it does against infectious agents.
Allogeneic Targeted Activated Cancer Killer cells (ATACK) are donor killer cells that selectively destroy tumor tissue. ATACKs are powerful and targeted, so they work even when other methods are ineffective.
Immunotherapy: Game-Changing Methods
All methods are based on sound scientific data, and confirmed through extensive clinical trials involving the successful treatment of thousands of patients.
Oncolytic Viruses are human-safe viruses with specific receptors that can penetrate and destroy cancer cells. They also increase the recognition of the tumor by the patient's own immune system.
Coley’s Toxin is a mixture of safe bacteria that is used in the production of cancer vaccines. Coley’s Toxin was the first cancer immunotherapy method, which in many cases, achieved significant tumor regression.
Personalized Cancer Vaccines are made from the patient's cancer cells. Vaccines train the patient's immune system to recognize and destroy malignant cells, just as it does against infectious agents.
Allogeneic Targeted Activated Cancer Killer cells (ATACK) are donor killer cells that selectively destroy tumor tissue. ATACKs are powerful and targeted, so they work even when other methods are ineffective.
Prof. Shimon Slavin is regarded as one of the world-leading researchers in anti-cancer immunotherapy. The protocols he has designed have proven effective at activating the immune system, essentially “training” it to fight mutated cancer cells.

Throughout his career, he has published over 680 articles in scientific publications and four books.
About Professor Shimon Slavin
Medical & Scientific Director of Biotherapy International
We propose innovative, out-of-the-box solutions to diseases deemed incurable by other experts.
Prof. Shimon Slavin is regarded as one of the world-leading researchers in anti-cancer immunotherapy. The protocols he has designed have proven effective at activating the immune system, essentially “training” it to fight mutated cancer cells.

Throughout his career, he has published over 680 articles in scientific publications and four books.
About Professor Shimon Slavin
Medical & Scientific Director of Biotherapy International
We propose innovative, out-of-the-box solutions to diseases deemed incurable by other experts.
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